• Our vision
    Our vision

    A society where adults respect children, listen to them, take care of them and act as positive examples

  • Article 12
    Article 12

    All children have the right to express their views freely in all matters affecting them, in words or in other ways

  • Zoom in on Children's Rights
    Zoom in on Children's Rights

    In consultation workshops with children, we listen carefully and record their views on monitoring the rights' implementation

  • Democracy in Schools
    Democracy in Schools

    Through discussions, assemblies and councils, children learn to express their opinions, respect the opinions of others and make decisions together

  • Everyone's opinion counts
    Everyone's opinion counts

    The most vulnerable children, Roma, refugee and migrants, in care, children with disabilities have equal rights in the expression of opinion and must be listened carefully.

  • Initiative for Article 12
    Initiative for Article 12

    Participative activities in schools, consultation meetings, artistic workshops, students' assemblies

10. Ρώτα-Πρώτα ιστορία και τραγούδι.mp4


10. Ρώτα-Πρώτα ιστορία και τραγούδι.mp4

Το δικαίωμα στην ιδιωτική ζωή

File Name: 10. Ρώτα-Πρώτα ιστορία και τραγούδι.mp4
File Size: 11.59 MB
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Created Date: 02-27-2024
Last Updated Date: 02-28-2024
Free Joomla templates by Ltheme Υλοποίηση-Διαχείριση: Μάνος Τσιόπτσιας - emmanuil_tsioptsias@yahoo.gr