
balloons"InArt12" actions during its first period of operation

  • Preparation of documents on basic principles, methodology and code of ethics in organising consultation workshops with children
  • Dissemination of information about UNCRC Article 12 and the aims of the Inititative 

  • Communication and collaboration with experts and representatives of organisations working with children and youth

  • Τraining of facilitators for consultation workshops with children 

  • Organisation of consultation workshops with children titled "Zoom in on Children's Rights" in Athens and Thessaloniki, taking place in the context of the international project GlobalChild 

  • Preparation and implementation of the theatrιcal-pedagogical activity for secondary school students called "OPEN: Listen, feel, unlock"

  • Communication and collaboration with 16-25 years old youth, interested to participate in the development of "InArt12 Advisory Youth Community"

  • Preparation of teacher training material on the operation of students' communities / councils in secondary schools and class assemblies / councils in primary schools.

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