Presentation of GlobalChild Project (15.6.2018, Athens)

 20180615 144743

GlobalChild project was presented by its coordinator Ms.Vaghri to potential partners in Greece

The meeting took place in the Centre for Social Welfare of Attica, one of the public agencies who have expressed their interest to collaborate for the organisation of consultation workshops with children in Greece, about monitoring the implementation of UN CRC.

The "Inititative for Article 12" (InArt12), who collaborates with GlobalChild and participates in the Global Child Rights Dialogue, invited and proposed the collaboration of the non-governmental organisations ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth, SOS Children's Villages, ActionAid Hellas and Schedia Centre for Pedagogic and Artistic Training. It has also asked for the collaboration of the National Institute for Educational Policies and the competent educational authorities.The presentation of the GlobalChild programme and its perspectives by GlobalChild coordinator Ms. Ziba Vaghri, Professor at the University of Victoria / Canada, was attended by 20 persons, including InArt12 founding members, invited experts and representatives from the collaborating agencies and organisations. 

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