Zoom in on Children’s Rights


‘InArt12’ is planning to organize two consultation workshops with children in Greece in the context of GlobalChild project

The consultation workshops will focus on issues connected with the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). They will be organized in collaboration with public agencies (Educational authorities, Centre for Social Welfare of Attica) and non-governmental organisations (ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth, SOS Children’s villages, ActionAid Hellas, SCHEDIA Centre for Paedagogic and Artistic Training, Network for Children's Rights). 24 children aged 12 to 17 year from different social groups will participate in each of the 2 workshops, that will be facilitated by 8 experienced professionals.

The consultation workshops take place in the context of the Global Child Rights Dialogue, which is an activity organized in the context of GlobalChild, a project coordinated by the University of Victoria and operating under the auspices of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Similar workshops are being organized in many countries in all regions of the world. They aim to listen and record children’s opinions about the development of indicators to monitor the implementation of CRC, which is the objective of the programme. 

The methodology used in these workshops is a synthesis of the one included in the toolkit that has been produced and disseminated by the Centre for Children’s Rights of the Queen’s University of Belfast, for the purposes of GlobalChild and on the methodology developed by “InArt12”, based on the experience and the expertise of its founding members. Inart12 collaborates with a group of experts for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the "Zoom in on Children's Rights" consultation workshops. The group consists of: Sofia Konstantelia, social worker / president of the Centre for Social Welfare of Attica, Pavlos Haramis, educationalist / vice president of the Institute of Educational Policy, Pari Zagoura, jurist - criminologist, juvenile court probation officer, Dr. Alexandra Vassiliou, social psychologist - processworker / co-founder of Processwork Hub, Dr. Eleni Petridou, pediatrician - professor of preventive medicine and epidimiology / president of the Helenic Society for Social Pediatrics and Health Promotion, Stella Tsitoura, pediatrician / vice president of the Network of Children's Rights. 

On 15.10.2018 founding members of InArt12, reresentatives of collaborating agencies and invited experts were met in the Centre for Social Welfare of Attica and discussed about the process of recruiting children, the methodology and organisational details of the consultation workshops. 

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