"The social identity of adolescents" was the subject of a workshop that was organised in the 5th Lyceum of Patras by members of InArt12 in collaboration with school teachers. 42 school students participated, who are members of the team implementing the programme “Young Active Citizens – Youth Parliament”.
Through games, exchange of views, collaboration in small groups, role playing and elaboration of proposals, in an honest and impressive way, the students dealt with issues connected with their social identity and their everyday life in school, in public spaces, in recreation, in meetings with their friends and in the internet. They recalled “hot phrases” that may lead to conflict, misunderstanding, obstacles and discrimination based on race, origin, appearance, sexual orientation or gender identity. They depicted scenes that hurt, annoy or shock. They thought of and exchanged views on how fears, prejudices and stereotypes can recede and how communication and consiliation between peers and between different generations can be facilitated. They came up with a series of ideas on what they can do as active citizens to change unwanted attitudes and practices: Organising informative events, creating and distributing brochures, video, graffiti on school walls, marching, inviting popular persons to spread messages, organise concerts with banners and slogans ...
Perhaps it is not easy to implement everything that children think and suggest. But students seem to be really empowered when they participate in similar experiential group activities, where they come closer together, formulate their opinions and gain a better awareness of their social role. And perhaps such actions, which bring together a large number of students voluntarily and with intense interest, are a lesson on how modern school could and should operate ...