One year anniversary celebration

On September 9, 2019 we celebrated one year of action with InArt12, in the magnificent garden of the building of the Association of Greek Archaeologists in Thissio, with music, cool drinks, pictures, chats, meetings, wishes and imprints. 

Our friends were there, representatives of collaborating agencies, experts, teachers of schools that we visited and our advisory youth community, whom we call "community of freshness": happy teenagers and youth, students, young workers and young people living in care ... All of them contributed to create a unique atmosphere, to exchange memories, ideas and plans for the future. 




We warmly thank all those who participated and who supported the cheerful celebration, that made us feel more optimistic about our next steps.
Imprints: Our invities left beautiful messages:
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Foto-voting. 3 out of 65 photos from our activities were voted by the participants as the most popular:   

Zoom in on Children'r Rights, Thessaloniki    

    It's an art to coexist, Thessaloniki

    Multicultural School of Athens

ZoumThes Itsanart2 Diapol1

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