Short guide for online students' assemblies and discussions

online assemblies guide

InArt12 has prepared a short Guide for online students' assemblies and discussions, following a recent survey and online discussion on the topic: "School Democracy in times of pandemic".  As it is demonstrated in the summary of content and proposals of the discussion (in Greek), teachers and students have expressed the opinion that during the pandemic, when schools are closed, they need to use the internet, not only to continue their lessons online, but also in order to communicate, to discuss and take decisions as a team.

InArt12 has already published and uploaded for free use the Guide "Children's Assemblies. The first steps in practicing  democracy in schools" (in Greek).

You can find here the short guide for students' online assemblies and discussions "SCHOOL DEMOCRACY IN QUARANTINE, FAR AWAY, SO CLOSE" (translated in English).

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